
Arthritis is a common condition which causes inflammation, stiffness and pain in joints of the body. Arthritis can affect both adults and children. Other symptoms may include redness, warmth, swelling, and decreased range of motion of the affected joints. The onset can be gradual or sudden depending on the type of arthritis. Liverpool Orthotics provide a range of orthotic solutions to help treat the symptoms and effects of Arthritis.

What are the most common types of Arthritis?

There are over 100 different types of arthritis however the most commonly diagnosed are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis - this type of arthritis mainly affects joints where the smooth cartilage, which provides protection and at the ends of bones, wears away. Once the protective cartilage is worn away the bones rub straight onto bone and this can cause a range of symptoms such as pain, stiffness and deformity. This type of arthritis can be found in any joint but commonly ankles, knees, hips and hands.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - this type of arthritis is caused by an autoimmune disorder. This is when the body’s natural defence system, which normally fights off unwanted infection, attacks the healthy joint linings. This lining acts as a lubrication for the smooth movement of joints. As a result the joints can quickly become painful, inflamed, swollen and deformed. There are a number of treatment options including medication and splints.

Juvenile Arthritis - this is an umbrella type for many types of arthritis that can affect children under the age of 16. The common symptoms are joint inflammation, stiffness, fatigue and joint pain. The symptoms generally come and go quickly however some effects may be permanent.

Psoriatic Arthritis - this arthritis is normally related to individuals who suffer from a skin condition called Psoriasis. As well as causing skin irritation the joints can become stiff, painful and can rapidly deform in a short space of time. If treated early enough this disease can be well managed with medication and splints.

What factors can increase the chances of developing Arthritis?

There are factors that may increase the chance of developing Osteoarthritis, including:

  • Age - more prominent in adults 40 plus.
  • Genetics - tends to run in families.
  • Previous Injury - an injured joint can lead to early onset osteoarthritis.
  • Gender - females are more likely to develop Osteoarthritis in later life.
  • Occupation - repetitive movements of a certain joint can cause osteoarthritis changes.
  • Obesity - increased body mass adds stress and load to the joints.

What treatment options do Liverpool Orthotics provide for Arthritis?

Liverpool orthotics provide a range of market leading solutions to aid treatment of arthritis, including;

Insoles - Can help to realign the foot to reduce painful foot issues and prevent the development of foot deformities.

Orthopedic footwear - can accommodate any foot deformities such as bunions, bony growths or support flat feet.

Splints - splints can be custom made from a number of materials such as thermoplastic, leather, silicon, carbon fibre to support and assist any joint.

AFO’s - an AFO is a type of custom made support which specifically targets the foot and ankle. It can be used to enable mobility, reduce deformity and reduce pain.

Calipers - a caliper can be used to provide support, correction and stability to a joint if there is also swelling or poor skin condition present.

Spinal bracing - arthritic changes to the spine can be very debilitating so spinal supports can be used to improve posture, reduce pain and increase quality of life.

Neck supports - a range of soft, semi rigid, rigid and assistive neck support can help improve head posture, reduce painful symptoms and provide stability.

Wrist support - can provide support and stability to the wrist to improve overall hand function and reduce painful symptoms.

Thumb support - Liverpool Orthotics provide a range of custom thumb support for optimal comfort and support.

Elbow support - Elbow supports can be made from carbon fibre and silicon to conform accurately to the arm and provide joint stability and comfort.

Hip support - can be designed to specifically offload the worn cartilage in mild OA arthritic hip issues. In cases of more severe arthritic hip changes a hip support can reduce range of movement, provide stability and improve mobility.

Knee support - there are a range of knee supports designed to off load the areas of worn knee cartilage and transfer the body weight onto healthy cartilage. Liverpool Orthotics also provides combined stability knee supports for more severe cases of arthritis.

Ankle support - ankle support can help reduce pain and increase mobility by stabilising painful and arthritic joints.

Footwear adaptations - additional material added onto the soles of footwear can help increase the lower limb stability, reduce wear and tear, or raise the shoe to help compensate for leg length discrepancies.

What does an assessment with Liverpool Orthotics involve?

The first step is to book a consultation at home, work or at one of our clinics with one of our HCPC and BAPO registered orthotists. The orthotist will take a full medical history and carry out a full physical examination of the problematic joint and give advice on the best orthotic treatment option.

In most cases measurements, plaster cases or scans will be taken to provide the information required to manufacture a well fitting orthotic device. A suitable fitting appointment can then be arranged. Liverpool Orthotics provide a complimentary review appointment with all orthotic devices to ensure the treatment has been a success.

To arrange an appointment call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at

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Alternatively, you can call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at