
A bunion, also known as a Hallax valgus, is a condition where the bony part of the big toe joint becomes more prominent. The big toe can bunch up against the lesser toes. Bunions can be problematic and cause pain, balance issues and difficulties with fitting commercial footwear.

What causes a bunion?

Bunions tend to run through generations of families. This is because certain foot types (normally flat feet) are more likely to cause abnormal loading through the big toe joint. This abnormal loading causes the gradual development of a bunion.

Other factors can be;

  • Poorly fitted footwear
  • Trauma
  • Neurological conditions
  • Genetic disorders
  • Arthritic joint changes.

What issues can bunions cause?

  • In most cases, a bunion can cause pain and discomfort when walking and can reduce walking speed and walking distance.
  • Large bunions can cause balance problems as the big toe joint plays an essential role in maintaining balance.
  • A bunion often makes the foot wider due to the bony prominence that develops on the inside of the foot. Commercial footwear is often too narrow and therefore can become uncomfortable.
  • In some severe cases, the big toe is forced under the 2nd toe, lifting the 2nd toe up on top of the big toe. As a result commercial footwear is not deep enough so rubs develop on top of the 2nd toe.
  • Many people feel self conscious about their bunion and may consider them as ugly.
  • The body quickly develops callus on the skin underneath the bunion to protect it. Callus is the body's natural defence to increase stress on the skin and can be pain free if cared for correctly. If the callus becomes too thick it can become painful and problematic.

What are the treatment options available?

  • Splints
  • Custom insole
  • Orthopedic footwear
  • Rocker sole
  • Stretching commercial footwear
  • Surgery

What treatments do Liverpool orthotics offer to help with a bunion?

Splints - A splint can be fitted on to the foot, normally at night, to pull the big toe the opposite direction to its deforming shape. This can help reduce pain in the toe joint, slow the development of the deformity and reduce secondary muscle tightness in the foot. There are a number of splints available on the market, an assessment with one of our experienced orthotists will be able to ensure the provision of the most effective bunion splint.

Custom insole- A custom made insole is the most effective way to reduce the stress that is passing through the big toe joint when standing and walking. It does this with a combination of increased arched support and targeted wedging. It can also have softer sections under any areas of callus to reduce callus development.

Stretching footwear - Liverpool orthotics provide a stretching service for orthopaedic and commercial footwear. We have mechanical stretches which can stretch the footwear generally or in a specific place. The footwear is left on the stretcher overnight to give that little bit extra room to accommodate the bunion.

Orthopedic footwear - Sometimes finding commercial footwear to accommodate larger bunions is not possible. For these occasions Liverpool orthotics provide a large range of made to measure footwear including trainers, casual shoes, boots, indoor shoes and dress shoes.

Rocker sole - A rocker sole is a piece of material that is neatly sandwiched into the sole of a shoe under the ball of the foot. The shoe will then rock forward at the toe joints rather than bending at the toe joint area as normal. The rocker effect reduces the pressure applied through the bunion during walking. A rocker sole can be incorporated into commercial or orthopedic footwear.

Surgery - At Liverpool orthotics we do not offer surgery, however we can offer you peace of mind that you have successfully exhausted all options before going ahead with any surgical procedures.

To arrange an appointment call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at office@liverpool-orthotics.co.uk

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Alternatively, you can call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at office@liverpool-orthotics.co.uk