Flat foot

A flat foot is a term used to describe a foot which is flatter in presentation than average. Flat feet normally have minimal arch shaping to the inside area of the foot. A flat foot can also be called pes planus, flat feet, low arched or rolled in. Flat foot can be found in both children and adults.

What causes a flat foot?

There can be a number of different reasons why an individual has a flat foot. A flat foot can be;

Congenital (from birth) - A flat foot can commonly be passed through the family genes. However there are some conditions associated with congenital flat foot, such as;

  • Spina Bifida
  • Hyper mobility
  • Hypotonia (low muscle tone)
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Ehlars danlos syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy

Acquired (develops with age) - can be as a result of an underlying condition, such as;

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD)

Neurological - can develop as a result of a neurological condition, such as;

  • Cerebral palsy
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke
  • Brain Injury
  • Trauma
  • Paralysis

What are the common symptoms of a flat foot?

The most common symptoms are;

  • Arch pain
  • Heel pain
  • Ankle pain
  • Muscle cramps
  • Forefoot pain
  • Inside knee pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Limping

How can Liverpool Orthotics help in the treatment of a flat foot?

There is no cure for a flat foot however orthotic devices can help support the foot and reduce painful symptoms.

Insoles - are the most commonly prescribed and most successful medical device to help relieve flat foot symptoms. An insole can be made to support the arch of the foot and to pad any sensitive areas. Insoles can fit inside commercial footwear and can transfer from shoe to shoe.

Liverpool Orthotics provide insoles made from a range of materials, including;

  • EVA
  • 3D printed materials,
  • Silicon
  • Carbon fibre
  • Leather
  • Thermoplastics.

In some cases the addition of a top cover can provide additional relief to sensitive areas, reduce friction and shear forces.Liverpool Orthotics can provide top covers that have antibacterial properties to improve foot health.

The material used depends on a number of factors, including;

  • Condition being treated
  • Body weight
  • Activity level
  • If partaking in sport
  • Amount of corrective force required
  • If an individual has diabetes
  • Choice of footwear

Physiotherapy - Physiotherapy exercises can help strengthen the muscles around the foot and ankle to help reduce the progression of a flat foot or relieve painful symptoms.

Splints - Splints are normally prescribed when the flat foot has developed into quite a significant deformity. Splints can also be useful in managing posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD), and reducing its progression.

Surgery - Surgery is normally seen as a last restore when all other non invasive options have been exhausted. Common surgeries include joint fusions and tendon transfers. Liverpool Orthotic do not carry out surgical procedures, but can help identify when surgery may be required and help effectively exhaust all other options.

How can Liverpool Orthotics help with the treatment of a flat foot?

Liverpool Orthotics provides a comprehensive assessment to diagnose a flat foot and to identify any underlying cause or condition. Our assessments can take place at home, school, work or at one or our clinics.

We provide both custom made and ‘off the shelf’ orthotic insoles which are made by taking a scans or foam impression of the bottom of the foot.

Liverpool Orthotics also provides a range of custom made and ‘off the shelf’ splints that can help with severe flat foot that requires more support than an insole.

What happens during an assessment for a flat foot?

During an assessment for a flat foot, one of our experienced HCPC or BAPO registered orthotists will take a full relevant medical history, establish the goals of treatment and carry out a physical examination.

The examination will involve;

  • Muscle power tests
  • Joint range of movement tests
  • Observation and analysis of walking or running (video if required)
  • Check skin condition (signs of callus)
  • Check circulation
  • Check shoe wear

After the assessment the orthotist will be able to advise which is the most effective treatment option for you and take scans or impressions of the feet. A suitable fitting appointment can then be arranged.

All our insoles come with a complimentary review appointment to ensure we have achieved the original treatment goal.

To arrange an appointment call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at office@liverpool-orthotics.co.uk

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Alternatively, you can call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at office@liverpool-orthotics.co.uk