
A Stroke is a condition where the blood supply to the brain becomes disrupted or cut off. As a result healthy brain cells become permanently damaged. This damage can lead to a range of short term and long term symptoms including poor balance, poor coordination, changeable moods and difficulties with speech. A stroke usually affects one side of the body. Liverpool Orthotics provide a range of treatment options to help with any stage of the rehabilitation process after a stroke.

What factors increase the risk of having a stroke?

    Smoking Diabetes High blood pressure High blood cholesterol levels High alcohol intake High salt diet High fat diet Low mobility or low levels of exercise Previous stroke

What is the cause of a stroke?

There are two main causes of stroke;

Ischemic - Ischemic stroke is caused when there is a lack of blood flow to an area of the brain due to a blockage. The most common cause for this blockage is a blood clot caused by fatty deposits that build up on the walls of the arteries. This is the most common type of stroke found in over 80% of stroke cases.

Hemorrhagic - this stroke is caused by the bleeding of burst blood vessels into surrounding brain tissue. This can happen due to an abnormal blood vessel which fails, a weakening wall of a blood vessel or increased blood pressure which puts stress on the blood vessel walls.

Both of these types of strokes cause permanent damage to brain cells and can result in a range of different symptoms.

What are the lasting effects of a stroke?

The long term effects that a stroke has depends on a number of factors including;

  • Compartment of the brain which has been damaged
  • Speed that the stroke was identified
  • Previous health
  • Age

The most common long term symptoms are;

  • Poor coordination
  • One sided weakness (paralysis)
  • Poor balance
  • Difficulties with speak and communication
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Erratic or unusual emotions
  • Changes in behaviour
  • Poor memory
  • Fatigue
  • Increase muscle tone (spasticity)
  • Decreased mobility
  • Incontinence
  • Lower limb swelling

How can Liverpool Orthotics help with the treatment of a stroke?

Liverpool Orthotics provide a range of custom made and ‘off the shelf’ devices to help with the effects of a stroke such as;

Leg Splints (AFO - Liverpool Orthotics provide lower limb splinting to support and assist weaker limbs following a stroke. We provide splints made from thermoplastics, carbon fibre, silicon and even 3D printed materials. All our splints are made with the sole aim to allow as much natural function as possible to aid mobility and increase confidence.

Shoulder supports - It is common after a stroke for one arm to become weaker, the weight of the arm puts stress on the shoulder joint causing a subluxation. Shoulder subluxation can be very uncomfortable. We provide shoulder support to take the weight of the arm and therefore reduce the painful symptoms of a shoulder subluxation.

Hand support - Hand support can be an essential tool in managing the changes in muscle tone after a stroke. Hand support can prevent muscle tightness, assist weak muscles or support the limb in an optimal position for certain tasks. Hand support can be static or dynamic depending on the desired outcome.

Knee supports - Knee weakness is a common side effect of a stroke. The knee may give way unexpectedly or hyper extend (bend backwards the wrong way). There are specific knee supports for stroke patients that can help improve stability and offer support. This can ultimately increase confidence and allow for safer levels of independence when mobilising.

Stretching devices - Muscle tightness is common after a stroke. A good way to manage it is using a stretching device. Liverpool Orthotics provide custom and ‘off the shelf’ stretching devices for any joint of the body. We provide static and dynamic stretching options.

Serial casting - Serial casting is a process in which a temporary plaster cast is fitted onto the body to restrict the movement at a tight joint. Each week the cast is removed and the joint stretched before putting the cast back on with the joint in a stretched position. This process continues for 3-6 weeks.

FES - Function electric stimulation (FES) works by applying electrical impulses through the skin to stimulate weak muscles. This can be a lightweight and discrete solution to improving gait abnormalities and prevent drop foot.

Lycra - Special medical grade Lycra can be fitted onto the joint of the body to help assist muscle weakness, resist overactive muscles and improve proprioception (know where the limb is in space).

What is the process during an assessment with Liverpool Orthotics?

Liverpool Orthotics provide comprehensive assessments to determine the most suitable orthotic solution for each individual. Our experienced HCPC and BAPO registered orthotists can carry out assessments at our clinics, individuals homes or places of work. Scans, plaster casts and measurements are often taken to enable a comfortable fitted orthotic device. We welcome the opportunity to work with other healthcare professionals or therapists in a joint appointment.

To arrange an appointment call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at

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Alternatively, you can call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at