Ankle Foot Orthotic (AFO's)

An Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) is an umbrella term for a specialist type of splint which encompasses the foot and ankle joints. AFO's can be fabricated from rigid materials such as thermoplastics and carbon fibre or from more flexible materials like silicone and leather. An AFO's can be specifically designed to assist weak muscles, reduce joint movement and provide joint stability.

How can an Ankle Foot Orthotic help?

An AFO can be worn during the day, for resting or during the night. Some people have different AFO's for different activities or for different periods of the day. AFO's can help to;

  • Prevent trips and falls
  • Assist weak muscles
  • Resist tight or spastic muscles
  • Reduce pain
  • Limit ankle and foot joint movement
  • Increasing mobility
  • To aid rehabilitation
  • Prevent joint deformity
  • Provide a stretch to tight muscles
  • Prevent muscle cramps (night cramps)

What conditions can an AFO be used to treat?

Liverpool Orthotics provide AFO's for a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Drop foot
  • Foot slap
  • Arthritis
  • Clubfoot (talipes equinovarus)
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Motor Neurone Disease
  • Ehlers-danlos syndrome
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Difficulties following stroke
  • Control of spasticity in lower legs
  • Improve or prevent deformity
  • To aid recovery and rehabilitation
  • Alteration of gait and improvement in balance
  • Any condition where stabilising the joint can be beneficial

What types of AFO's are available?

There is a range of AFO's available for many conditions. Liverpool orthotics will be able to assess and advise which type of AFO is the most suitable option for your condition. The types of AFO's we provide are;

Rigid Thermoplastic AFO - This type of AFO is often provided to completely limit movement at the ankle and foot. Rigid AFO's are used to treat for more severe deformities or high levels of muscle spasticity involvement. Thermoplastic AFO's are a great option to encourage safe mobilisation, transfers and rehabilitation.

Thermoplastic AFO with hinge - This type of AFO is designed to allow the ankle joint to bend up and down (plantar/ dorsiflexion) while restricting side to side (medial/lateral) stability to the ankle and foot.

Carbon Fibre AFO - Carbon fibre is an incredibly lightweight, durable and strong material that can be made to effectively treat many conditions. Carbon fibre AFO's can be made very thin to allow the AFO to slip into footwear with ease.

3D Printed AFO - 3D Printed orthotics have enabled us to manufacture splints in ways that was only recently possible. 3D printed devices can provide accurately placed support and reinforcement for foot and ankle conditions.

Silicon AFO (SAFO) - Silicon is a very comfortable and cosmetic AFO solution. With 7 skin tones available to choose from the silicon can accurately match the wearers skin tone.

Foot up - a foot up is a simple, comfortable and lightweight solution for mild drop.

Paediatric AFO's - Liverpool orthotics provide a range of Paediatric AFO's in the treatment of many childhood conditions.

Caliper AFO - Calipers are often viewed as a more traditional method of treatment, however due to the externally fitted design, they are an effective AFO solution for individuals who have diabetes, skin issues or lower limb swelling.

Turbomed - A turbomed is a dynamic AFO solution for individuals who have muscle weakness at the foot or ankle. The turbomed fits externally onto footwear and is a good option for individuals with drop foot who may wish to get back to an active lifestyle or to run.

Others - There are many other custom made and 'off the shelf' AFO devices available. Liverpool orthotics have access to all the AFO options to ensure the provision of most effective AFO solution for any condition.

Will I need specialist shoes?

Liverpool orthotics can provide AFO's to fit inside normal footwear and will advise the best type of footwear to accommodate any AFO's we provide.

How long will I need to wear the AFO?

This depends on the original reason for requiring the device. Some individuals wear an AFO for a short period of time during rehab or after injury, others may wear the device every day for their entire lives.It is common to provide more than one AFO for patients wanting to carry out a range of activities such as cycling, running and swimming.

The orthotist will set out clear instructions that are individualised for you depending on your condition, treatment plan and goals. This will include how long to wear the AFO for, when to wear the AFO, plus how to care for your AFO.

What is the process for a patient to receive an AFO?

There are three appointments required to provide an AFO.

  1. Consultation/ Measuring (including casting or scanning)
  2. Fitting
  3. Review (normally after 2/3 months)

The first step is to arrange a home or clinical assessment appointment with one of our experienced HCPC and BAPO registered orthotists. During this appointment the orthotist will take a full medical history, carry out a physical examination plus establish the goals of treatment. A scan, plaster cast or measurements of the leg will then be taken to assist in the manufacturing of the AFO.

A suitable fitting appointment can then be arranged. Once the device has been fitted and supplied a complimentary review appointment will be made to ensure we have achieved the goals of treatment.

To enquire about the range of Ankle Foot Orthotics that Liverpool orthotics provide, or to book an appointment, contact us today on 0330 088 3949, or email us at

To arrange an appointment call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at

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Alternatively, you can call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at