Neck Braces

Neck braces can also be known as neck supports, cervical collars and neck collars. At Liverpool orthotics we provide an extensive range of custom made and 'off the shelf' neck braces. We can provide soft, semi-rigid, rigid, dynamic braces. The condition being treated or the level of disability will normally determine the most suitable neck brace. Neck braces can be designed to:

  • Limit/ prevent movement of the neck
  • Assist weak neck muscles
  • Restrict neck movement to promote healing of soft tissue
  • Restrict neck movement to promote healing of fractures in the neck (vertebrae)
  • Improve neck/ head posture
  • Improve line of vision
  • Provide stability to unstable vertebrae joints
  • Provide head stability when travelling
  • Help support the neck for everyday tasks such as reading, eating or cooking.

What can a Neck brace be used to treat?

Liverpool Orthotics provide neck braces for a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Motor Neurone Disease
  • Ehlers-danlos syndrome
  • Arthritis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Cervical fractures
  • Head Drop
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Difficulties following stroke
  • Torticollis
  • Control of spasticity
  • Improve or prevent deformity
  • To aid recovery and rehabilitation following injury
  • Any condition where stabilising the joint can be beneficial

How do you wear a Neck brace?

A neck brace normally encompasses the whole neck and runs along the base of the jaw bone. It is common for neck braces to fasten on one side of the neck under the ear. Your condition and goals will determine which neck brace your orthotist will advise is the most suitable option for you. It is crucial that any neck brace is fitted correctly to achieve the desired outcome. Our orthotist will teach you, family members and/or carer how to fit the neck brace correctly.

How often will I need to wear my Neck brace?

How often you will be required to wear your neck brace will depend on which condition is being treated. In most cases a neck brace is worn for a specific period of the day or for a specific activity such as reading or travelling. If a neck brace is provided to assist with muscle weakness or head drop the wearer may only choose to wear the brace when the neck muscles are becoming tired.

Following a neck fracture or serious soft tissue injury, the wearer may be advised by our orthotist to wear the neck brace consistently for a specific time period or until advised by the orthotist. Our experienced orthotist will be able to accurately advise you on how long to wear your neck brace for depending on your condition, goals and circumstances.

Will I require a custom made or 'off the shelf' Neck brace?

There are occasions when an 'off the shelf' neck brace may be suitable. We provide every 'off the shelf' brace available on the market. We are not restricted by what we can provide, our sole objective is to provide the most suitable neck brace to achieve the best outcome for our patients.

If your orthotist deems that a stock product is not going to be suitable, we would then consider manufacturing a custom made neck brace. Our custom made neck braces can be manufactured using a number of different materials that vary in size, materials, colour, rigidity and flexibility.

How long will I need to wear the Neck brace?

This will depend on the presentation and condition being treated. Our experienced orthotist will be able to establish the time frame that you will be required to wear the neck brace during your initial assessment.

What is the process for a patient to receive a Neck brace?

There are three appointments required to provide a Neck Collar.

  1. Consultation/ Measuring (may include casting or scanning)
  2. Fitting
  3. Review (normally after 2-3 months)

To enquire about any of the neck braces that Liverpool Orthotics can provide, or to book an appointment, contact us today on 0330 088 3949, or email us at

To arrange an appointment call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at

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Alternatively, you can call Liverpool Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at